The Stowe Recreation Path
The 5.5-mile paved trail starts in Stowe Village, next to the Stowe Congregational church, winds its way through the woods and meadows, and crosses the West Branch River 11 times on arched wooden bridges.
The 5.5-mile (8.5 km) recreation trail was built in two phases, 1981–84 and 1986–89, at a total cost of US$680,000. The Stowe Recreation Path has received several awards and honors.
Some of these honors include:
Land and Water Conservation Fund Award
Take Pride in America Finalist Award
Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence Finalist
1000 Points of Light by President Bush
786th National Recreation Trail
The planning for a recreation path in Stowe was initiated in 1964 to combat heavy traffic on the Mountain Road (Route 108). The first leg of the path (2.7 miles) was built between 1981 and 1984. The second leg 2.6 mile leg was built between 1986 and 1989.
The 680,000 dollars to build the path came from many sources. $186,000 came from private sources, $178,000 came from the Land and Water Conservation Funds, $134,000 came from the Lintilhac Foundation, which was started by Claire Lintilhac, $120,000 was set aside from local taxes, and $62,000 came from Revenue Sharing Funds.
The majority of the 186,000 dollars raised privately was acquired by selling pieces of the path: an inch cost $2, a foot was $15, and a yard was $45. Many people bought these sections, and a good deal of money was raised though the Bike Path is maintained using tax money.